What exactly happens in the intestine / colon?
The gastrointestinal tract is a place where valuable nutrients are absorbed and waste products eliminated. The intestine composes about 80-90% of the immune system. Although the happiness hormone serotonin is mainly known in its role in the brain, actually 95% of it is produced in the intestine.
When the intestine is compromised
An unhealthy or compromised intestine can neither guarantee a well-functioning metabolism, nor a strong immune system, not to mention the insufficient production of serotonin. The walls of the villi that line the interior of the small intestine are only one cell thick to enable nutrient absorption but this is damaged by environmental toxins, parasites, bacterial overgrowths,stress and medications.Thus preventing correct absorption and enabling the incorrect absorption of damaging substances even with a healthy and nutrient rich diet.
This results in deposits of wastes that have not been eliminated lining the walls of the intestines and can add a few kilos to our body weight. This plaque looks like black hard rubber. This weakens the natural protection barrier of the intestine, which can lead to a pool of formative and putrefactive bacteria instead of a healthy, beneficial intestinal flora. A gastrointestinal tract that is not functioning can provide the breeding ground for many chronic ailments even with a healthy nutrient rich diet (70 % of ailments are considered to be caused by diet). Starting with normal digestive complaints such as constipation, flatulence, allergies, food intolerances, asthma, headaches, psoriasis, depression, fungal and nerve diseases, as well as being a possible factor in the development of some cancers and auto immune diseases. Thought to be from false messaging between cells due to gradual build up of toxins in the body.
Parasites in the gastrointestinal tract
It is an unfortunate fact that nearly every person is affected by at least one parasite species. Many people are unaware that this is one of the causes of their discomfort and complaints. Parasites can even manipulate your mood. Many people feel irritated during an internal cleanse and some people say they feel like they “die” because in fact the bad intestinal flora is dying off to be replaced with beneficial bacterial types. So the feelings and mood of the person can be effected during this process.
Requirements to keep a healthy bowel
Ideally, one has about 1,5 kilograms of good intestinal bacteria and fungi which unlock the food and protect us from pollutants and pathogens. A high fiber diet such as with psyllium husk helps to feed the good bacteria. Therefore, the key factors in maintaining and restoring an healthy digestive tract are enough suitable soluble fibre/prebiotic and a healthy gut flora/ probiotics.
Concepts of the intestinal / colon cleanse in Berlin
First, the intestine needs to be swept clean by a special combination of fiber and lactobacilli/ probiotics. In this way a certain additional agent can reach into folds within the intestine to remove long held deposits of poorly digested food and toxic material. After about 14 days another remedy is added which consists of different herbs. This helps to clear possible parasitic infections. Overall, it takes about 30-33 days to go through the whole intestinal / colon cleanse in Berlin.
Indications intestinal / colon cleanse in Berlin
- Acne/ blemishes/ large pores
- Pigmentation spots
- Eczema, Rashes
- Neurodermitis/ psoriasis
- Skin barrier disorders
- Fatigue, tiredness
- Overweight/ Local belly fat
- Cellulite
- Heaviness in arms and legs
- Back pain
- Metabolic disorders
- IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Indigestion/ flatulence
- Constipation/ Diarrhea
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Allergies
- Ulcerative colitis/ Crohn’s Disease
- Disorders of the immune system
- Depressions
- Headaches/ Migraine
- Hair loss
- Joint pain
- Hormonal imbalances
Contraindications intestinal / colon cleanse in Berlin
- Chemotherapy
- Ileus/ intestinal obstruction
- Acute intestinal infections
- Pregnancy
Consultation for an intestinal / colon cleanse in Berlin
During the consultation your personal case will be discussed regarding physical symptoms, nutrition, and the ongoing maintenance of a healthy gut after the intestinal / colon cleanse in Berlin.
In order to alleviate detoxification symptoms you might like to support your body with acupuncture. It is recommended to come in for acupuncture once a week during the intestinal / colon cleanse.
Invest in yourself with an intestinal / colon cleanse in Berlin – Prices
Consultation intestinal / colon cleanse in Berlin € 35,00 20 min
Info night intestinal / colon cleanse in Berlin admission fee: free of charge 30 min (registration necessary)
Program for the intestinal / colon cleanse in Berlin € 112,00
Acupuncture only in combination with the intestinal cleanse € 65,00 / Package of 4 treatments – € 240,00